With the help of Tim Williams, CEO of Ignition Consulting Group, we explored how agencies are transforming for the future. Taking those learnings we then all worked in three peer groups rotating across three workshops:
Workshop 1 was moderated by Graham Griffiths and discussed what makes agencies special and what we need to do to be special.
Workshop 2 was moderated by Barry Clarke OBE and discuused the whole topic of growth and identified what needs to stay the same and what needs to change.
Workshop 3 was moderated by Graham Kemp and looked at the ways that we can increase profitability and add value.
Here's a quote from David Atkinson, Managing Partner of Space who attended for the first time:
"Whatever I expected to gain from the conference in Amsterdam was exceeded several times over, and I had a thoroughly stimulating and entertaining experience. As well as some game-changing things for my business, I enjoyed meeting everyone very much."