Module 1
Creativity – How to maximize your profitability through creativity
In these challenging economic times, it’s especially important to be able to think, act and solve problems creatively. This workshop was a high-energy, ultra-interactive introduction to the most effective models and processes of creative thought and new idea generation. Using new tools, new behaviors and a flexible creative process, participants dramatically increased their ability to:
Gain sharper insights in a changing world / digging for creative clues
Develop more creative ideas / proposals / marketing solutions
Bring ideas to life and make them relevant and impactful
Increase group creative productivity.
Module 2
Sales – Turning your client service team into high-performance sales people
How do I identify, recruit and keep top-class sales people in my unique organization?
Who will look after my existing business, and who will drive the new business?
How will I give them directions, to get me profitable accounts that I can add value to and retain and who pays on time?
What % of my sales team’s time should be spent growing current customers, business and chasing new business?
Creating your sales process and the skills you need to make it effective
Apart from sales value and profit, what else do you need to measure?
What module should I use to reward high-performance salespeople?
Module 3
Business Efficiency - Ensuring your cost base is balanced to allow for maximum output
As the recession deepens, it is more important than ever to look at how you manage the finances of your business. When you’re faced with difficult decisions, such as staff cuts, you need to ensure you make those decisions from accurate and meaningful financial information. Now is the ideal time to get your agency into financial shape and those that do will be well placed to make the most of the upturn when it comes. The session will cover:
Forecasting – how and why should I do this?
Monitoring – management accounts, Key Performance Indicators, sector averages and job profitability
Managing your cash - how to make sure that profits equal cash, a look at the cash flow cycle and how current pressures will affect it and funding requirements.
This was an interactive session which will also seek your input on how you think the downturn will or has affected your ability to do the above and how your agency has reacted to this.