Our three workshops each focused on different areas where we could widen the boundaries of current thinking.
Business Psychologist Helena Taylor Knox explored with us the different types of human behaviour and how the way that we are experiencing the world at the moment colours what we are valuing, how we feel, what we are paying attention to and the meaning we give to what is happening. We see things not as they are - but as we are. She also took us through research that identified the five levels of leadership:
A leader who has both talent and skills in their field
Leaders who have a group focus and an ability to teamwork effectively
The 'Competant Manager' who organizes people in an efficient way to achieve their goals
Recognized by the presence of vision and the ability to compel their group to follow that vision
At the top 'Great Leaders' posess the qualities of modesty and humility combined with a fierce professional will.
Tracy Rose, Marketing Director of SCQuARE showed how we can push the boundaries to:
Achieve longer term, higher value client relationships
Win more business
Be recognised for adding value and driving higher ROI
Do it better than your competitors
Get proposals right first time, increasing margin and improving WLB of employees
Patrick Collister examined creativity and the way creative people work and got us thinking about ideas in relation to:
The importance of names
The role of a logo
The use of colour and style
The environment
The importance of sound
Functionality cues