Discover Hidden Profits - you need to know where to look!
This insightful conference included presentations from:
Damian Ryan, Mediaventura.com who talked about where value lives today and even more importantly where value will be in the future.
Tom Finneran, 4A's Management Services took us through the pressures on agencies in light of an increasingly complex marketing landscape. He also shared with us trends, considerations and initiatives about client compensation.
Lynn Neil, North American Retail Strategy Leader for Procter and Gamble brought us up to speed on the state of shopper marketing and the importance of collaboration between retailer needs, brand wants and agency solutions with curent case histories.
Guy Blissett, IBM Global Thought Leadership Group showed us what we have to do to meet the demands of the smarter consumer and how they are fundamentally changing industries, brands, interactions and relationships.
Nick Parish, Contagious Magazine took us through a trends briefing and asked us the 'big question' - are we changing the way we find happiness? And how we are transforming from conspicuous consumption to calculated coinsumption.
David Shing, VP Marketing & Media, AOL gave us a 360 view of digital content and showed us how we are re-inventing the creation and delivery of well-designed, high quality, original content in light of the accelerating fragmentation of the web.
Andrew Pancer, Media6Degrees talked about social targeting and showed us how to map the social graph to target our brand's consumers. There were example of great success as well as big failures. He also showed us the big changes that marketers were making in media selection.